Update 3


Alan Postings said...

Is it possible to get the texture back in the jacket? Look back in your older renders...The jacket had bright texturing and the face was cleaner looking. Links below. You need a bit of the old with the new.



tutorphil said...

Hey Jonny :-) I know you're knackered and sick of this scene, but she's growing in finesse and sophistication with every amendment; but remember what Alan said about the shadow of the grille on the back wall - actually, the lattice work would be much more diffuse in terms of its shadow, because the light casting it would be soft too - just 'relax' it. i notice she's got her fingernails painted - but can you make them longer and more feminine?



Also - get those hypodermic needles in place, Jonny - get some brass/glass/needle glinting in the darkness... I know you're working on this, but you need to give those snakes their bite! :-)

Keep going!!!

About Me

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I am a video game artist at Dovetail games, working on Train Simulator 2014, 2015 and an unannounced title. I also graduated from the CG Arts course at UCA in 2010 with a First Class. www.jonstewart.co.uk