Every evening I will post progress from the day. I have to be organised and focused during crunch time. It will be the difference between failing and success. I've been feeling nervous about managing on time, but I've been preaching optimism to people recently, and I feel like a hypocrit. So I'm pushing it to the back of my mind, I WILL manage!
Today I did:
-Layed out UV's (The majority is done now.
-Sat here for most of the day trying to work out the head UV problem. Only to realise I had to reskin and relay out the UVs for it. Major waste of time, very gutted by it.

Below shows that I have layed out all the UV's. Not that i need to prove it, but yeah. The head and arms are black and red respectively because that's how Fast skin Shader displays in the port view. I've not worked out the connection to the colours.

Tomorrow I want to achieve :
- Modelling the snakes ( I wanted to do this today, but as I previously mentioned, things went wrong that I had to fix!)
- Modelling sleeves (Yes I've not done this yet, I'm scared of it, thus I'm avoiding it. Naughty naughty.)
- More texturing.
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