Update -Topology input Alan please

Hey Alan, could use some input on the topology of this head model if possible please. You mentioned there should be a diamond in the corners of the mouth, where exactly should this be?
Also here's a bit of previs I put together for her lower torso.


Alan Postings said...

Hi Jon,

Best thing to do is come in and see me. Nothing majorly wrong but its a little hard for me to do this kind of feedback via a blog.

Jon Stewart said...

You got it Alan. I'll be there sometime this week to do some scanning stuff anyway.

About Me

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I am a video game artist at Dovetail games, working on Train Simulator 2014, 2015 and an unannounced title. I also graduated from the CG Arts course at UCA in 2010 with a First Class. www.jonstewart.co.uk