UV's Layed out bar minor tweaking

So I've been working on the UV's today. Took a little longer than I'd hoped as I was rather rusty, took some time to get back into the flow of things. There's still tweaking to be done where it's a bit distorted in places, but i'm done for today so posting progress.


tutorphil said...

I know everyone is stupidly busy and have bigger fish to fry, but...

below is a list of the first year blogs; I'd like to suggest you follow them and their progress; they're a nice sociable bunch and they're going to need your help and experience as they enter Unit 3 'Tableau Vivant' - their first go at bringing Maya into their creative project... go introduce yourselves!

Dave at http://www.rattie-dave.blogspot.com
Earl at http://yesmynameisearl.blogspot.com

Ruben at http://rubensblogpage.blogspot.com

Charlotte at http://thelastearthangel.blogspot.com

Matt at http://www.hyland255.blogspot.com

Farideh at www.faz-hamoni.blogspot.com

Sam at http://samhayes101.blogspot.com

Simon at http://simon-watts.blogspot.com

Jordan at http://www.jordanbuckner.blogspot.com

Jack at http://nosnevetskcaj.blogspot.com/

Chris S’ at http://cgartunit1.blogspot.com/

Matt at http://mattymunday.blogspot.com/

Ethan at http://aflockofpixels.blogspot.com/

Dan at http://dbrightba.blogspot.com/
Shafi at http://redartideas.blogspot.com/

Leo at http://ltsang.blogspot.com/

Jolanta at http://jolantasketch.blogspot.com/

Richard at http://richard-vc.blogspot.com/

Elliot at http://ellymac.blogspot.com/

Carl at http://cbarrett1985.blogspot.com/

John at http://jonnybone.blogspot.com/

Sean at http://seaku.blogspot.com/

Adam at http://acbailey88.blogspot.com/

Ethan at http://www.ethanclements.blogspot.com/

Godwin at http://godwin-o.blogspot.com/

Kin at http://kinseye.blogspot.com/

Bharathi at www.bharathianthonysamy.blogspot.com/

Barry at http://bpressland.blogspot.com/

Aj at http://ajuj12.blogspot.com/

Alex at http://anwmn.blogspot.com/

Jade at http://jadetm17.blogspot.com/

Bob at http://bobstrife.blogspot.com/

Laura at http://www.psychofreakcg.blogspot.com/

Baja at http://firstforeverything.blogspot.com/
Benja at http://gbengaalake1.blogspot.com
Shahbir at http://shubtastic.blogspot.com/
Julian at http://julianuca.blogspot.com/
Chris G’ at http://chrisguillon.blogspot.com/
Richard B’ at http://rbazeley.blogspot.com/

Jon Stewart said...

One step ahead of you Phil, following them all ;)

tutorphil said...

that's why I like you! :-)

Jon Stewart said...

Ahhhh, shucks!

About Me

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I am a video game artist at Dovetail games, working on Train Simulator 2014, 2015 and an unannounced title. I also graduated from the CG Arts course at UCA in 2010 with a First Class. www.jonstewart.co.uk