Boots - Detail High res pass minus sculpting details

Been a bit slow with an update for these ones, had tonsillitis and couldn't manage to do much over the weekend. First thing I wanted to do was a detail pass for these bad boys. I'm going to sculpt some parts a bit, but as this is mostly hard surface stuff the bulk of the work is in the modelling. The straps are probably a bit too thick up the boot, might get to that - but as i'm baking the high res down to normals, it might be better that they are a bit more extreme so that I don't lose the depth in the baking. Things like that can always be adjusted though at the end.

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About Me

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I am a video game artist at Dovetail games, working on Train Simulator 2014, 2015 and an unannounced title. I also graduated from the CG Arts course at UCA in 2010 with a First Class.